Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Final 1

Period 1
Final part 1

There is a sudden pause, everything around me shifts in slow motion. Attempting to cope with the stress, I close my eyes and whisper to myself, “this is not happening, it can’t be.” I can feel my heart pounding against my chest; I can feel my blood rushing from my head to the very bottom of my feet. Everything began earlier that day, the sun was high in the sky. The gleaming sun rays hit my face bringing me out of a comma like state. Today was a day like any other. I got up and got ready for school. I had breakfast, then left as always, but today was a day bound to be engraved in my memory forever. I was always worried of my surroundings; I mean you have to be in the streets of South Central. While walking toward school I can hear indistinct voices coming from an alley. To my surprise it was two trash collectors arguing about the smell of the trash that they had promptly collected. The smell was very pungent; you can feel the breeze coming up from the ground and entering your nostrils, suffocating you until you no longer could. I sqwermished at the fact that something could leave such a smell. Time went by slow that day at school. It was a relive to hear the bell at the end of the day and thinking about getting home. As any other day, I walked with my friend Luis, because him and I walked in the same general direction. We were approached by a beat down Honda Civic. The driver and the passenger were both intimidating; the shouted at us asking were we were from. We stood there quietly and as still as we could. They finally tsked away. It had not been but 600 feet when another car came, ramming into them. The two men lay in the seat half wounded. Then the two people came out of the other car (the one that had struck the red car) and pulled out weapons. I heard a gunshot, one after another, there is a sudden pause, everything around me shifts in slow motion. Attempting to cope with the stress, I close my eyes and whisper to myself, “this is not happening, it can’t be.” I can feel my heart pounding against my chest; I can feel my blood rushing from my head to the very bottom of my feet. I hesitate to look up. I could only hear muffled sounds, a heavy zing in my ears impaired me. I could smell the burned rubber and see the smoke rise from below. My mouth went dry, which made it hard to speak. My friend snapped me out of my trance. We could no longer watch.

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